5747 Rd. 1022
Culbertson, MT
(406) 480-0692

Culbertson RV Court
Located in Culbertson, MT, We Are 35-40 Minutes West of Williston
Quiet Country Setting
30 amp and 50 amp Sites, Quality City Water
All utilities included in rates
*Boat/RV Storage Sites* - $45 per month !
Culbertson RV Court Rules and Regulations
Culbertson RV Park is on a septic system. Do not flush ANYTHING (such as feminine hygiene products) down the toilet except toilet paper.
Tenant is responsible for ensuring that their heated water hydrant remains plugged in during freezing conditions. Water valve must be turned off if power goes out or if leaving site for an extended period to prevent hydrant from freezing. Tenant is responsible for paying for cost of hydrant to be fixed if tenant is found negligible.
Faucets may not be left dripping. Dripping faucets may cause sewer problems from build-up of freezing liquids in the winter.
It is the responsibility of the tenant to inform all guests and visitors of the park rules. The tenant is ultimately responsible for any and all behavior of their guests.
Be considerate. Quiet hours are from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Outside RV lights are not to be left on after 11:00 PM.
Tenant is responsible for insuring/ protecting their own property. Culbertson RV Park is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged property.
Tenant’s personal items must be secured and anchored.
All leased sites include the space for one cabin/camper and parking for one vehicle. Extra vehicles must be approved by Culbertson RV Park.
All garbage is to be bagged, tied, and disposed of into dumpster. Only household garbage may disposed of into dumpsters, all else must be taken off-site by tenant and disposed of properly. No garbage is to be left outside any units. One personal garbage can can may be placed on each unit by the tenant in an inconspicuous location on the site.
Speed limit is five (5) miles per hour. (NO DUST)
Drive only on graveled roads during wet conditions.
All pets must be on a leash. Pets may not be left unattended or tied up outside. If a pet is outside, the owner must be outside as well. Pet waste must be cleaned up immediately and properly disposed (bagged, tied, and disposed of into Culbertson RV Park dumpster or tenant’s personal trash receptacle). Nuisance pets will not be tolerated (i.e. barking, digging, whining, howling, etc.).
No Pitbulls, Rottweilers, or other aggressive breeds of dogs and all pets must have current vaccinations.
All sites are to be kept clean and free of unsightly or dangerous materials.
Drunk or disorderly conduct will not be tolerated.
Drugs, illegal substances, and illegal activity will not be tolerated.
Absolutely no use of firearms, explosives, or fireworks in the park.
Tenant is responsible for the cleaning/clearing of their site and cabin, whether asked to leave or leaving voluntarily. If tenant does not remove their additional property from their site within by the end of the rental agreement, Culbertson RV Park has the right to move and store your property at a fee of $15.00 per day until all fees are paid.
If tenant is gone more than five (5) days, Culbertson RV Park shall be notified.
Subleasing of sites is not allowed unless previously approved by Culbertson RV Park.
Rent over 7 days past due will include a $20 late fee for everyday that is unpaid past the 7th of each month.